HGV Maintenance: Finding windscreen repair
Glass crack repair is usually needed at some point during a vehicle’s lifetime. Whether you drive a HGV or other type of lorry, it’s important to know what to do when you need a chip or crack in your windscreen fixing.
Here are some tips for looking after larger fleet vehicles and staying safe on the road.
Why a clear windscreen is important
When you’re piloting a vehicle upwards of 25 tonnes, you’re in charge of not only your own safety but that of those around you. Perfect visibility is key here so if a crack or chip is obscuring any part of your windscreen, it’s important to get it fixed.
Your windscreen connects you to the road outside and even when you’re fully alert, the smallest crack could obscure something important.
Reputation management
Think about how you’d feel if you saw a tattered lorry roll up ready to work. Your reputation is linked to the appearance of your fleet and this covers windscreens as much as it does the cleanliness of the vehicle, condition of its curtains, or how well your logo is displayed.
Maintaining a tidy fleet that’s free from glass cracks and other damage will not only protect your reputation but it’ll ensure that you stay safe on the roads too.
What to look for in windscreen repair
If you’re running a busy fleet, it’s no doubt important that someone is able to come to you to fix any cracked glass. Consider this when searching for someone to complete the work.
Convenience should also be a consideration, find your nearest Optic-Kleer operator here.
How to get a windshield chip repaired
If you need glass crack repair for your fleet of lorries, Optic-Kleer has you covered. Just give the team a call on 01205 311132 for advice or to book.
Other maintenance tips for HGV fleets:
Here are some further tips for keeping your fleet in great condition. This is important as it helps you abide by local laws, run a fleet of good-looking HGVs, and will make your lorries more efficient than ever.
Clean regularly
Not only does a dirty lorry not look very good but it can be dangerous. Any mud or salt from the road can be kicked up onto your windscreen, windows and mirrors. It’s important that all this is cleared away before any long drives. Visibility is so important when it comes to the safety of the driver and others on the road.
Keep fluids topped up
Windscreen washer fluid, oil and other basic fluids should all be kept topped up. At the very least, levels should be checked so you can ensure you’re not about to run out of anything integral to the working of your lorry.
Check tyre pressures
The pressures you need may vary from vehicle to vehicle and with the different loads you’re hauling. Once you know what’s needed, keep an eye on these. Properly inflated tyres will make the ride in the cab easier and will also reduce fuel consumption.
Maintain a regular service schedule
In order to keep your fleet safe and in good condition (as well as inline with the law) make sure you keep up a regular service schedule that checks the roadworthiness of your vehicle too. Not only will this ensure you’re running a safe fleet but your lorries will last longer with proper care and attention.
If you’re unsure what’s required of you by law in order to keep your vehicles safe, take a look at this article from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Authority.